How to Create a Website Like Reddit in 2023

Creating a website like Reddit can be a great way to build a community around a specific topic or interest. Reddit is one of the most popular websites on the internet, and it’s known for its user-generated content and discussion forums. To make a website like Reddit, you’ll need to start by choosing a niche or topic to focus on. This will help you attract a specific audience and create content that appeals to them.
You’ll also need to invest in a solid hosting platform and a good content management system (CMS) to make it easy for users to create and share content. Additionally, you’ll need to focus on SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to help your website rank well in search engine results, so that people can easily find it when searching for information on your chosen topic.

Get Web Hosting & a Domain Name to create a website like Reddit

Hosting and a domain name are two essential components of creating a website like Reddit.
Web hosting is a service that allows you to store your website’s files and data on a server, which makes it accessible to users on the internet. There are several hosting options available, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting. When creating a website like Reddit, it’s important to choose a hosting provider that can handle high traffic and can scale your website’s growth.

A domain name is an address or URL that users type into their browser to access your website. It’s a unique name that identifies your website and makes it easy for users to find and remember. You can register a domain name with a domain registrar, such as GoDaddy or Namecheap. When choosing a domain name, it’s important to choose a name that is easy to remember, relevant to your website’s topic, and available.

Web hosting providers often offer to register the domain name as well, and some web hosting providers also offer a free domain name when you buy their hosting package. That will save you the hassle and the cost of purchasing the domain separately.

Once you have a domain name and web hosting, you can install a CMS, such as WordPress, and start building your website. You can then customize it to look and function like Reddit, by adding features like discussion forums, user profiles, and the ability for users to create and share content.

It’s also a good idea to use a Content Delivery Network(CDN) service to distribute your website’s content globally, so your website can handle more visitors and reduce the loading time. Finally, make sure that you are using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate to protect your website and your user’s data.


get domain and hosting to create a website like reddit

Choose WordPress as a CMS for your Forum Website like Reddit

WordPress is a popular and user-friendly content management system (CMS) that can be used to create a website like Reddit. Below is a guide on how to install WordPress on your domain:

  • Log in to your web hosting account and access your cPanel. Look for the “software” or “applications” section and find the “WordPress” icon.
  • Click on the WordPress icon to start the installation process. You will be prompted to select the domain on which you want to install WordPress. Select the appropriate domain and click on the “next” button.
  • On the next screen, you will be asked to provide some basic information about your website, such as the site title and admin username, and password. Fill in this information and click on the “next” button.
  • Once you have filled in all the required information, the installation process will begin. It may take a few minutes for the installation to complete. Once it’s done, you’ll see a message indicating that the installation was successful.
  • Once installation is done, you can visit your domain to see your new WordPress website. You’ll be prompted to log in to the admin area using the username and password you provided during the installation process.
  • After you log in to the admin area, you can start customizing your website by choosing a theme, adding plugins, and customizing settings.

By following these steps, you can install WordPress on your domain and create a website that functions similarly to Reddit. And by installing the necessary plugins and theme, you can add more functionality to your website.

Choose a Forum theme and Forum Plugin

There are many forum themes and plugins available for WordPress that can help you create a website like Reddit.

Forum Themes:

bbPress: bbPress is a lightweight and user-friendly forum plugin for WordPress. It’s designed to make it easy to add a forum to your website. It’s lightweight, SEO-friendly, and is packed with many useful features.

FluxBB: FluxBB is a simple and elegant forum theme for WordPress. It provides an easy-to-use forum that looks great on any device.

Muut: Muut is an elegant, modern forum theme for WordPress that can be easily integrated with your website.

Forum Plugins:

Simple Press: Simple Press is a comprehensive forum plugin for WordPress that provides an easy-to-use interface and a wide range of features.

DW Question & Answer: DW Question & Answer is a plugin that allows you to add a discussion forum to your website. It offers features like voting, tagging, and notifications to keep the conversation going.

Vanilla forum: Vanilla is an open-source community forum plugin, with a lot of features and a great support community that offers a modern and responsive design and it’s easy to integrate with other platforms.

These are just a few examples of the many forum themes and plugins available for WordPress that can help you create a website like Reddit. When choosing a theme or plugin, it’s essential to consider the features you need and the design that best matches your website. It’s also essential to think about compatibility with your WordPress version and any additional plugins.

Setup Forum page

  •  After installing a forum theme or plugin on your WordPress website, there are a few steps you can take to set up your forum page.
  • Create a new page for your forum: In the WordPress admin area, go to the Pages section and click on the “Add New” button. Give your forum page a title and click on the “Publish” button.
  • Assign your new page as the forum page: In the forum plugin or theme settings, look for an option to assign the forum page. Then assign the page you just created as the forum page.
  • Configure the forum settings: Depending on the plugin or theme you have installed, you will be able to configure various settings for your forum, such as the number of posts per page, the order of posts, and the permissions for different user roles.
  • Customize the design: Most forum plugins and themes include options for customizing the design of your forum. You may want to change the color scheme and layout to match your website’s existing design.
  • Add categories: Categorizing your forum content can help users easily find the information they need. In the plugin settings or the WordPress backend, you can create categories for the different topics you want to cover.
  • Promote the forum: Lastly, let people know that you have a forum on your website. Share the link on social media, embed it in your newsletter, and promote it in other places where your target audience congregate
  • Monitor and moderate: Make sure to check the forum regularly for any inappropriate content, and moderate it accordingly, this will keep the forum clean and tidy and make sure that the user experience is positive.
  • By following these steps, you can set up a forum page on your WordPress website that functions similarly to Reddit and allows your users to discuss and share content on a specific topic or interest.


In conclusion, creating a website like Reddit using WordPress is a great way to build a community around a specific topic or interest. By choosing a niche and a solid hosting platform, and by installing a popular and user-friendly content management system (CMS), you can create a website that functions similarly to Reddit.
A forum theme or plugin can help you add discussion forum functionality to your website, and there are many available options to choose from. Additionally, It is crucial to consider SEO and the importance of a user-friendly design. Once your website is set up, promoting it to attract an audience, and moderating it to keep the community safe and enjoyable will be important tasks to keep in mind. Remember to keep an eye on analytics to track your website’s performance, and be ready to make any necessary adjustments to optimize the user experience.

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