Fix Messenger Bubble Not Showing on Android in 2023

Have you ever encountered a situation where the Messenger bubble, a convenient feature that allows quick access to Facebook Messenger chats, is not showing up on your device? If you’re experiencing this issue, don’t worry, you’re not alone. In this article, we will Discover why the Messenger bubble is missing on Android.

What is the Messenger Bubble?

Before we delve into the troubleshooting steps, let’s first understand what the Messenger bubble is. The Messenger bubble is a feature available on both Android and iOS devices that allows you to access your Messenger chats conveniently. It appears as a floating bubble on the screen, providing easy access to your ongoing conversations without having to open the Messenger app fully.

Possible Reasons for Messenger Bubble Not Showing on Android

There can be several reasons why the Messenger bubble is not showing on your device. Here are some possible causes:

Connectivity issues

One common reason for the Messenger bubble not showing is connectivity issues. Ensure that you have a stable internet connection, as the bubble requires an active internet connection to function properly.

Messenger settings

Check your Messenger settings to ensure that the Messenger bubble feature is enabled. Sometimes, the bubble may get accidentally disabled, resulting in its non-appearance on the screen.

App or device-related problems

Sometimes, app or device-related issues can cause the Messenger bubble to stop showing. Outdated Messenger app versions, software glitches, or conflicts with other apps can interfere with the bubble’s functionality.

Messenger Bubble Not Showing on Android

Troubleshooting Steps for Messenger Bubble Not Showing

If you’re facing the issue of the Messenger bubble not showing, here are some troubleshooting steps you can follow to resolve it:

  1. Check internet connection: Ensure that you have a stable internet connection. Try switching between Wi-Fi and mobile data to see if the issue persists.
  2. Enable Messenger Bubble in settings: Open the Messenger app, go to settings, and look for the option to enable the Messenger bubble feature. Toggle it on if it’s disabled.
  3. Update Messenger app: Check if there are any updates available for the Messenger app. Outdated versions may have compatibility issues, which can cause the bubble to disappear.
  4. Clear cache and data: In your device settings, navigate to the app settings for Messenger. Clear the cache and data associated with the app. This can help resolve any temporary glitches.
  5. Restart device: Sometimes, a simple device restart can solve various software-related issues. Try restarting your device and check if the Messenger bubble appears afterward.

Contacting Messenger Support

If the troubleshooting steps mentioned above do not resolve the issue, it’s advisable to reach out to Messenger support for further assistance. They have specialized knowledge and resources to address specific problems related to the Messenger app and its features.


The Messenger bubble is a handy feature that enhances your messaging experience, but it can be frustrating when it stops showing up on your device. In this article, we discussed the possible reasons behind the Messenger bubble not showing and provided troubleshooting steps to help you resolve the issue. Remember to check your connectivity, review your Messenger settings, update the app, clear cache and data, and restart your device. If all else fails, don’t hesitate to contact Messenger support for further guidance.


Q: Why is my Messenger Bubble not working?
A: There could be various reasons behind the Messenger bubble not working, such as connectivity issues, disabled settings, or app-related problems. Follow the troubleshooting steps mentioned in this article to resolve the issue.

Q: How do I enable Messenger Bubble on Android?
A: To enable Messenger Bubble on Android, open the Messenger app, go to settings, and look for the option to enable the Messenger bubble feature. Toggle it on to make the bubble appear on your screen.

Q: Can I use Messenger Bubble on iOS devices?
A: Yes, Messenger Bubble is available for iOS devices as well. You can enable it by going to the Messenger app settings and enabling the Messenger bubble feature.

Q: Why did Messenger Bubble disappear suddenly?
A: The Messenger Bubble may disappear suddenly due to various reasons, such as software glitches, app updates, or conflicts with other apps on your device. Try following the troubleshooting steps mentioned in this article to resolve the issue.

Q: Are there any alternatives to Messenger Bubble?
A: Yes, there are alternative apps available that offer similar features to Messenger Bubble. Some popular options include Facebook Messenger Lite, WhatsApp, and Telegram. Explore these alternatives if you prefer a different messaging experience.

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