Twitter Limits Complete Guide in 2023

Twitter is a microblogging platform that has become a popular tool for businesses and individuals to communicate and share information. However, Twitter has limitations in terms of the number of characters users can use in a tweet, the frequency of tweets, Following guidelines, and the type of content that can be shared.

It’s important for users to understand these limitations to effectively utilize the platform for their purposes. By optimizing their content for search engines and using hashtags, users can maximize the visibility of their tweets and reach a wider audience. To make the most of Twitter, it’s crucial to understand and work within the platform’s limitations.

Types of Twitter Limits

  • Maximum Tweets
  • Maximum Characters per tweet
  • Maximum Direct Messages Limit
  • Max Characters per direct message
  • Maximum limit of the Following
  • Number of Lists
  • Maximum Number of people on a list
  • Maximum Number of people you can follow
  • How many people you can unfollow
  • Maximum Characters for biography
  • The maximum length of video uploads
  • Maximum Twitter In-Stream Photo Size
  • Maximum Twitter Profile Picture Size
  • Maximum Twitter Header Image Size

Maximum Tweets

As per current Twitter guidelines, the maximum number of tweets limits per day is 2400. But you cannot tweet all these 2400 tweets in one go. If you were able to do this it is considered spamming and it may suspend your account.

Maximum Characters per Tweet

The maximum character limit per tweet is 280 across the world. In the USA character limit per tweet is 4000 for all verified and unverified users.

Maximum Direct Messages Limit

A Direct Message (DM) on Twitter is a private message sent from one Twitter user to another. DMs allow users to communicate with each other directly and privately, without the message being visible to the public or other followers. As per the latest Twitter guidelines maximum direct message limit is 500.

Maximum Characters per Direct Message

As you can only send 500 direct messages there is also a limit of characters per direct message. According to the latest guidelines, direct messages have only 1000 characters which is much lesser than other social media platforms.

Maximum limit of the Following

The maximum limit of the following is divided into two segments Daily following limit and account base following limit. The daily following limit is 400 accounts per day. If your account following is less than 5000 then there are no API limitations or third-party limitations.

Maximum Number of Lists

Before 2013 only had 20 lists you can follow and create but as per the requirements, Twitter increase the limit to 1000. Now At a time you can create or follow 1000 lists per account.

Maximum Number of people on a list

With the increase in demand, Twitter increases the number of lists that you can follow or create it also increase the number of people per list from 500 to 5000.

Maximum Number of people you can follow

If you have a verified account then you can follow 1000 accounts per day. If you are an unverified user follow limit is 400 accounts per day.

How many people you can unfollow

There is no limit set by Twitter. But if your account is unfollowed rapidly it can be suspended by Twitter or you can contact Twitter it might be a hacking attempt.

Max Characters for biography

On Twitter, the maximum number of characters allowed in a user’s biography or “bio” is 160 characters. The bio is a brief description of the user and their interests, and it appears at the top of their Twitter profile page. This limited character count provides a challenge for users to effectively communicate their brand or personal message in a concise and memorable way. It’s important to carefully choose the words and hashtags used in the bio, as it’s one of the first things that people see when visiting your Twitter profile. To make the most of this limited space, consider including keywords relevant to your brand or interests, and a call-to-action that encourages people to engage with your tweets or visit your website.

The maximum length of video uploads

The maximum length for video uploads on Twitter depends on the type of account you have. For personal Twitter accounts, the maximum length of a video upload is 2 minutes and 20 seconds. For Twitter accounts with a verified badge or a Twitter Media Studio account, the maximum length of a video upload is 140 minutes. Additionally, it is important to note that Twitter may reduce the length of a video after it is processed to meet platform standards, such as size and aspect ratio. In terms of file size, the maximum file size for a video upload on Twitter is 512 MB. It’s important to keep in mind these limitations when uploading videos to Twitter to ensure they are successfully posted and meet the platform’s guidelines.

Maximum Twitter In-Stream Photo Size

The maximum size for in-stream photos on Twitter is 5 MB. In-stream photos are the images that appear in a tweet along with the text, and they can greatly enhance the visual impact of your tweets. To ensure that your in-stream photos display properly on the platform, it’s important to keep them within the 5 MB size limit. Additionally, Twitter recommends using a resolution of 1024 x 512 pixels for in-stream photos to ensure that they display clearly on all devices. If you need to upload larger photos, you can use a photo hostings service, such as Twitpic or Imgur, and include a link to the photo in your tweet. By following these guidelines, you can effectively use in-stream photos to engage with your followers on Twitter and make your tweets more visually appealing.

Maximum Twitter Profile Picture Size

The maximum size for a Twitter profile picture is 2 MB. The profile picture is an important element of your Twitter profile, as it represents you or your brand and is the main visual element displayed in search results and on your profile page. To ensure that your profile picture displays properly on the platform, it’s important to keep it within the 2 MB size limit. Additionally, Twitter recommends using a square aspect ratio for profile pictures and a minimum resolution of 400 x 400 pixels. It’s a good idea to use a high-quality image that is clear and easily recognizable, and that accurately represents you or your brand. By following these guidelines, you can effectively use your profile picture to make a strong first impression and build a memorable personal brand on Twitter.

Maximum Twitter Header Image Size

The maximum size for a Twitter header image is 5 MB. The header image is a large banner image that appears at the top of your Twitter profile page and provides a backdrop for your profile information. To ensure that your header image displays properly on the platform, it’s important to keep it within the 5 MB size limit. Additionally, Twitter recommends using a resolution of 1500 x 500 pixels for the header image, with a maximum height of 250 pixels for mobile devices. The header image provides an opportunity for you to showcase your brand, personality, or interests in a visually appealing way. By using high-quality, eye-catching images and following these guidelines, you can effectively use your header image to make your Twitter profile stand out and engage with your followers.

Cheat Sheet of Twitter Limits

Module Limit
Maximum Tweets2400
Maximum Characters per Tweet280 For all except USA
4000 for USA
Maximum Direct Messages Limit500
Maximum Characters per Direct Message1000
Maximum limit of the Following400
Maximum Number of Lists1000
Maximum Number of people on a list5000
Maximum Number of people you can follow1000 for Verified Ac
400 for Non Verified
How many people you can unfollowNo Limit
Max Characters for biography160
The maximum length of video uploads2 minute 20 second
Maximum Twitter In-Stream Photo Size5MB
1024px x 512px
Maximum Twitter Profile Picture Size2MB
400px x 400px
Maximum Twitter Header Image Size5MB
1500px x 500px


In conclusion, Twitter is a versatile and dynamic platform with a number of limitations that users must understand to effectively utilize the platform. From character limits in tweets and bios to video and image size restrictions, it’s important to know these limitations to ensure that your content is properly displayed and reaches your intended audience.

By following these guidelines, you can effectively use Twitter to build relationships, share information, and promote your brand. Whether you’re a business, individual, or anything in between, understanding the limitations of Twitter is key to making the most of this powerful communication tool.


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